Parsing ADAPT Ensemble .fits files

Parse an ADAPT FITS file into a

Necessary imports

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec

from pfsspy.sample_data import get_adapt_map

Load an example ADAPT fits file, utility stored in

adapt_fname = get_adapt_map()

ADAPT synoptic magnetograms contain 12 realizations of synoptic magnetograms output as a result of varying model assumptions. See [here](

Because the fits data is 3D, it cannot be passed directly to, because this will take the first slice only and the other realizations are lost. We want to end up with a containing all these realiations as individual maps. These maps can then be individually accessed and PFSS solutions generated from them.

We first read in the fits file using :

adapt_fits =

adapt_fits is a list of HDPair objects. The first of these contains the 12 realizations data and a header with sufficient information to build the MapSequence. We unpack this HDPair into a list of (data,header) tuples where data are the different adapt realizations.

data_header_pairs = [(map_slice, adapt_fits[0].header)
                     for map_slice in adapt_fits[0].data]

Next, pass this list of tuples as the argument to to create the map sequence :

adapt_maps =, sequence=True)

adapt_map_sequence is now a list of our individual adapt realizations. Note the .peek()` and ``.plot() methods of MapSequence returns instances of sunpy.visualization.MapSequenceAnimator and matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation1. Here, we generate a static plot accessing the individual maps in turn :

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 3, figure=fig)
for i, a_map in enumerate(adapt_maps):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i], projection=a_map)
    a_map.plot(axes=ax, cmap='bwr', vmin=-2, vmax=2,
               title=f"Realization {1+i:02d}")

plt.tight_layout(pad=5, h_pad=2)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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