Open flux and radial grid points (calcuations)ΒΆ

Comparing total unsigned flux to analytic solutions.

This script caclulates the ratio of numeric to analytic total unsigned open fluxes in PFSS solutions of spherical harmonics, as a function of the number of radial grid cells in the pfsspy grid.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from helpers import open_flux_analytic, open_flux_numeric, result_dir

Set the source surface height and range of radial grid points

zss = 2
nrhos = np.arange(10, 51, 2)

Loop through spherical harmonics and do the calculations. Only the ratio of fluxes between the analytic and numeric solutions is saved.

df = pd.DataFrame(index=nrhos, columns=[])

for l in range(1, 6):
    for m in range(-l, l+1):
        lm = str(l) + str(m)
        print(f"l={l}, m={m}")
        flux_analytic = open_flux_analytic(l, m, zss)
        flux_numeric = []
        for nrho in tqdm(nrhos):
            flux_numeric.append(open_flux_numeric(l, m, zss, nrho))
        flux_numeric = np.array(flux_numeric)
        flux_ratio = flux_numeric / flux_analytic
        df[lm] = flux_ratio

Save a copy of the data

df.to_csv(result_dir / 'open_flux_results.csv')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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