
class pfsspy.tracing.FortranTracer(max_steps='auto', step_size=1)

Bases: Tracer

Tracer using Fortran code.

  • max_steps (str, int) –

    Maximum number of steps each streamline can take before stopping. This controls the total amount of memory allocated for all the streamlines.

    If 'auto' (the default) this is set to \(4n_{r} / ds\), where \(n_{r}\) is the number of radial grid points and \(ds\) is the specified step_size.

  • step_size (float) – Step size as a fraction of numerical grid cell size at the equator. Must be less than the number of radial coordinate cells.


Because the stream tracing is done in spherical coordinates, there is a singularity at the poles (ie. \(s = \pm 1\)), which means seeds placed directly on the poles will not go anywhere.

Methods Summary

trace(seeds, output)

param seeds

Coordinaes of the magnetic field seed points.


Create a streamtracer.VectorGrid object from an Output.

Methods Documentation

trace(seeds, output)

streamlines – Traced field lines.

Return type


static vector_grid(output)

Create a streamtracer.VectorGrid object from an Output.