
class pfsspy.FieldLine(x, y, z, dtime, output)

Bases: object

A single magnetic field line.

x, y, z : array

Field line coordinates in a Carrington frame of reference. Must be in units of solar radii.

dtime : astropy.time.Time

Time at which the field line was traced. Needed for transforming the field line coordinates to other coordinate frames.

output : Output

The PFSS output through which this field line was traced.

coords : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord

Field line coordinates.

Attributes Summary

expansion_factor Magnetic field expansion factor.
is_open Returns True if one of the field line is connected to the solar surface and one to the outer boundary, False otherwise.
polarity Magnetic field line polarity.
solar_footpoint Solar surface magnetic field footpoint.
source_surface_footpoint Solar surface magnetic field footpoint.

Attributes Documentation


Magnetic field expansion factor.

The expansion factor is defnied as \((r_{\odot}^{2} B_{\odot}) / (r_{ss}^{2} B_{ss}))\)

exp_fact : float

Field line expansion factor. If field line is closed, returns np.nan.


Returns True if one of the field line is connected to the solar surface and one to the outer boundary, False otherwise.


Magnetic field line polarity.

pol : int

0 if the field line is closed, otherwise sign(Br) of the magnetic field on the solar surface.


Solar surface magnetic field footpoint.

This is the ends of the magnetic field line that lies on the solar surface.

footpoint : SkyCoord


For a closed field line, both ends lie on the solar surface. This method returns the field line pointing out from the solar surface in this case.


Solar surface magnetic field footpoint.

This is the ends of the magnetic field line that lies on the solar surface.

footpoint : SkyCoord


For a closed field line, both ends lie on the solar surface. This method returns the field line pointing out from the solar surface in this case.