
class pfsspy.Output(alr, als, alp, grid, dtime=None)

Bases: object

Output of PFSS modelling.

alr :

Vector potential * grid spacing in radial direction.

als :

Vector potential * grid spacing in elevation direction.

alp :

Vector potential * grid spacing in azimuth direction.

grid : Grid

Grid that the output was caclulated on.

dtime : datetime, optional

Datetime at which the input was measured.

Attributes Summary

al Vector potential times cell edge lenghts.
bc B on the centres of the cell faces.
bg B as a (weighted) averaged on grid points.
source_surface_br Br on the source surface.

Methods Summary

plot_pil(self[, ax]) Plot the polarity inversion line on the source surface.
plot_source_surface(self[, ax]) Plot a 2D image of the magnetic field at the source surface.
save(self, file) Save the output to file.
trace(self, tracer, seeds)

Attributes Documentation


Vector potential times cell edge lenghts.

Returns ar*Lr, as*Ls, ap*Lp on cell edges.


B on the centres of the cell faces.


B as a (weighted) averaged on grid points.

br : array
bs : array
bp : array

Br on the source surface.

Methods Documentation

plot_pil(self, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot the polarity inversion line on the source surface.

The PIL is where Br = 0.

ax : Axes

Axes to plot to. If None, creates a new figure.

**kwargs :

Keyword arguments are handed to ax.contour.

plot_source_surface(self, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot a 2D image of the magnetic field at the source surface.

ax : Axes

Axes to plot to. If None, creates a new figure.

kwargs :

Additional keyword arguments are handed to pcolormesh that renders the source surface. A useful option here is handing rasterized=True to rasterize the image.

save(self, file)

Save the output to file.

This saves the required information to reconstruct an Output object in a compressed binary numpy file (see numpy.savez_compressed() for more information). The file extension is .npz, and is automatically added if not present.

file : str, file, Path

File to save to. If .npz extension isn’t present it is added when saving the file.

trace(self, tracer, seeds)
tracer : tracing.Tracer
seeds : (n, 3) shaped array

Starting coordinates, in cartesian coordinates. pfsspy.coords can be used to convert from spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates and vice versa.